Gottfried Feder speaks on German economy
Gottfried Feder was chair of the Wirtschaftsrat [economic council] of the NSDAP from 1931. In July 1933, he became Staatssekretaer [Deputy Minister] for economy. Gottfried Feder, in a business suit, faces the camera and delivers a speech about the National Socialist movement and fiscal & economic issues. He claims to be one of oldest, most loyal followers of Hitler, along with Roehm & Frank from the 'horrible chaos' following November 8, 1918, and to have influenced the party's first political agenda together with Dietrich Eckhardt. He speaks on his favorite topics of "Brechung der Zinsknechtschaft" [rupture of the slavery of interest rates] and "Kampf gegen den Gott Mammon" [fight against the deity Mammon] and calls his books on economy & finance a 'catechism' of the National Socialist movement. He calls the attempted coup-d'etat of Nov. 9, 1923 the 'most difficult day of the movement.' The parliamentary elections of 1924 are mentioned as a continuation of the 'relentless struggle' against the treacherous "Novemberparteien" [political parties of November 1918]. Feder criticizes the economic policy of Chancellor Heinrich Bruening & propagates a stronger domestic economy, public work programs, & the nationalization of all banks as an alternative. He explains his idea of "Federgeld" [Feder's money] as 'productive' fiscal policy without rates of interest. He calls the upcoming elections a "Schicksalsfrage" [question of destiny] for the Nazi party already 'in front of the fence of political power.' Feder closes with an appeal to 'take up the red flags.' The closing title demands: "Schafft Euch Arbeit und Brot durch Liste 2" [Create Work & Bread by Voting Nazi Election List 2].
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- us-005578-irn1003167
- , Germany
- Propaganda.
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