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Brandstaetter family papers

Documents pertaining to the family of Salomon and Estera Brandstaetter, originally of Brzesko and Będzin, Poland. Includes birth certificates for Salomon (issued in Brzesko 1936) and Estera (issued in Będzin, 1980), school certificates for Salomon (1931 and 1935), a ketubah, documenting the wedding of Salomon and Estera in Lwów, Poland (12 April 1940), an envelope that formerly contained a letter (not extant), sent by Salamon’s mother, Malka Brandstaetter to her brother, Arnold, in New York (1941), a certificate issued by the Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Community in Munich, attesting to the validity of the marriage of Salomon and Estera (1947); certificates of identity in lieu of a passport, for Salomon and Estera, issued by the United States Consulate in Munich (1947), and a receipt for ship’s passage on the S.S. Ernie Pyle (1947). Salomon Brandstaetter was born on 23 April 1918 in Brzesko, Poland, to Schulim and Malke (née Sterngast) Brandstätter. Estera Freidenreich was born on 24 December 1914 in Będzin, Poland, to Naftali and Idesa (née Szwarc) Freidenreich (variant spelling: Frajdenrajch). They were married on 12 April 1940 in Lwów, Poland, and had two children: Ida (born 20 June 1943, Dobczyce, Poland) and Schulim (born 28 November 1946, Munich). After surviving the Holocaust in Poland, the Brandstaetters ended up in displaced persons camps in Germany following the war, and immigrated to the United States in 1947.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn45440
  • Jews--Poland--Będzin.
  • Brandstaetter, Estera.
  • Document
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