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Fried family papers

Copyright Holder: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum After the German occupation of Hungary, George Fried was forced into a work battalion. He attempted an escape but failed. After a long march through Austria, Fried reached Mauthausen where he was reunited with his father, Jozef Fried. Together, they were marched to Gunskirchen concentration camp where they were liberated by American troops in May 1945. Consists of twenty-three documents (photocopies and originals) collected by the Fried family during the Holocaust era. Among the documents are certificates, travel passes, and falsified forms acquired by Elizabeth Fried in order to show that she was a Roman Catholic instead of a Jew. Other documents certify that Jozef Fried was a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps. Many of the documents are accompanied by an English translation. A copy of a letter from George Fried to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, which describes his experiences in Europe, was added by the cataloger. This letter makes frequent references to documents within the collection. Numbers within the text make reference to specific documents.

  • EHRI
  • Archief
Identificatienummer van European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
  • us-005578-irn503247
  • Fried, Elizabeth.
  • Letters.
  • Mauthausen (Austria)
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