Identification Card."For the dead and the living we must bear witness.""United States Holocaust Memorial Museum."
The identification card ("Buletin de Identitate") was issued to Sali Spinrad in Cernauti, Romania (Chernivt︠s︡i, Ukraine).
Contains a French identification card for Emma Thalmann (née Heilbronn).
contains passport photos
De Swichbox Identification, type B.ref No. 5C/372. Het is een seinsleutel waarmee de bovenste en onderste lamp van een Engelse jager mee bediend kunnen worden. Dat had natuurlijk ook met een gewone schakelaar gekund, maar men was destijds best wel slim om het anders aan te pakken. Wanneer bij een raid naar Duitsland strikte radiostilte in acht werd genomen, kon een begeleidende jager toch nog boodschappen ...
Met lit. opg.
ARCH04545: Collectie Reis- en identiteitsdocumenten (eerste aanvulling) Afrika Sierra Leone
Artikel uit "De Volksvriend", 29 maart 1945
Introduction - Elisabeth Anstett and Jean-Marc Dreyfus Part I: Agents 1. Bitter legacies: A war of extermination, grave looting, and culture wars in the American West - Tony Platt 2. Final chapter: Portraying the exhumation and reburial of Polish Jewish Holocaust victims in the pages of yizkor books - Gabriel Finder 3. Bykivnia: How grave robbers, activists, and foreigners ended official silence about ...
The identification card was issued to Yessoula Cohen, Henry Levis's uncle.
Identification card, 1947, attesting that Jeanette Wohlhendler (nee Jeckel) had been a prisoner at Auschwitz and Bergen Belsen.
Collection consists of an identification card issued July 1, 1948, to Ezriel Reitzfeld, in the "Exodus" Police force in the Sengwarden displaced persons camp.
Contains a German identification card issued to Uzbek laborer; dated September 25, 1943. Bi-folded; green/brown paper; printed and handwritten text; photographic portrait image of man attached.
The forged identification card ("Kennkarte") was issued to "Helena Tkaczyk" [donor] by the Generalgouvernement in Warsaw, Poland.
The identification card was issued to Robert Schwab [donor's father] in 1942. "Juif" is marked in red ink across the top.
The provisional identification card for civilian internee of Mauthausen #1104 was issued to Aladar Lakner on July 5, 1945, in Linz, Austria.
No restrictions on access
The identification booklet was issued to Litman Altman (Leon Slucki) [donor's husband] with handwritten and printed entries and a black and white photograph.
The "Ausweis" was issued to Erwin Teich as a Polish civilian internee at Buchenwald concentration camp.
The identification card was issued to Marcel Koller [donor] in Bucharest, Romania. It states that he was born in Vijnitz, Romania (now Ukraine), on 23 April 1931 and was deported to and liberated from the Tropova camp in Transnistria, Romania (now Ukraine).
Consists of one identification card, dated April 30, 1945, identifying Manes Weizman, originally of Pionki, Poland, as a civilian internee of Buchenwald.
The provisional identification card ("Ausweis") was issued after liberation to former Mauthausen internee Abraham Kaner.
The identification card states that Eugene Patipa, born on December 29, 1922 in Minsk, CSR, was in Mauthausen Concentration Camp from April 8, 1945 to May 4, 1945.
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