Omslagtitel: Forced labourers we were in Nazi Germany. 141, [75] p. : ill. ; 32 cm
While the suffering of Allied prisoners of war on the Thai-Burma railway during the Second World War is well documented, much less is known about the Asian labourers employed on the project. Focusing on Thai and Chinese workers in Thailand, this study argues that although Asian labourers often suffered in a way comparable to prisoners of war, they also exercised some agency in their dealings with the ...
1 dvd-video (ca. 26 min.) : kleur, geluid.
Marcel Bracke was born in Antwerp on 9 October 1919. In May 1940 he fought as a soldier in the Belgian army during the invasion of the country by Nazi-Germany. After the general demobilization, Marcel Bracke returned to live with his parents and younger brother at Verlatstraat 43 in Antwerp. To avoid deportation to Germany as a forced labourer, he took a job with the city of Antwerp. As an electrician ...
Omslagtitel. - Geen titelpag. 85 bl ; 30 cm.
Documentation about conducting the population census; population census of the prisoners of the Vilnius and Šiauliai ghettos and labour camps in 1942.
This collection contains: two postcards from Krajndel alias Karoline Mehrer-Hitnik in Lemberg (today Lviv, Ukraine) to her son Julius Mehrer in Antwerp, 21 March 1940 and 1 April 1940 ; a postcard from Rosa Bellak-Ehrenstein and her sister Margit Friedmann-Ehrenstein in Vienna, Austria, to Rosa’s son-in-law and daughter Julius and Stella Mehrer-Bellak in Brussels, 8 July 1942 ; a postcard from Rosa ...
De geïnterviewde werd geboren op 28 augustus 1926 en groeide op in Schiedam. In deze plaats heeft hij gezien hoe de joodse overburen werden weggehaald. Hij vertelt voornamelijk over de periode in Duitsland waar hij sinds december 1944 werkzaam was vanwege de Arbeitseinsatz. Gedurende zijn werkzaamheden in de buurt van Müchen kwam hij in aanraking met joodse dwangarbeiders uit Dachau. Hij heeft gezien ...
SHAEF-British military mission > Overige taken en onderwerpen van SHAEF-Civil Affairs >
PhDr. SMUTNÝ B., Jan Etrich, komanditní společnost, Trutnov 1901 - 1946. Sdružený inventář, 1981, 53 s., ev. č. 506.
Collection includes: Circulars and correspondence between Lutsk Gebietskommissariat to heads of Lutsk district administrations from February 1942 discussing rules of using of the Jewish labourers. Lists of the Jewish workers (inventory 1, file 33). Correspondence between Lutsk Judenrat and Lutsk city administration regarding assignment Jewish skilled workers to various labor objects (inventory 1, file ...
The collection contains i.a. cases concerning forced labourers, a list of residents of Rydzyna by nationality (1941 and 1943), various statistical information, lists of Jews from the camp in Kłoda (Judenarbeitslager Roden b. Reisen) dating from 1942, and copies of entries in the land register concerning the Jewish synagogue and cemetery.
SMUTNÝ B., Alois Haase, Trutnov (1746)1832-1946. Inventář, 1980, 47 s., ev. č. 533.
Documents about forced labour; certificates of workers; correspondence with military authorities in Königsberg and Riga about armaments supply.
Collection contains weekly reports of the local police about their activities in the village. Collection includes weekly report of policeman in Kupil village from August 1942 particularly mentioning exploitation of the Jews in the village (file 1, page 54).
Documents concerning forced labour camps; lists of Jewish workers; various documentation dealing with better organization of forced Jewish labour, etc.; registers of Jewish workers in the forced labour camps in the county.
Collection includes numerous appeals from the non-Jewish local citizens to obtain apartments left from the Jews, as well as decisions by the administration to grant the apartments for them (file 4); decision of the Department of housing to form a group from 23 Jewish persons to clean the city streets (file 65).
The "Banque de Salonique" archive consists of records of current accounts, securities, cashier records and customer records, journals, ledgers and files of incoming correspondence, letters of guarantee, cashier and other vouchers.
This collection contains : two photos of Ferdinand Topper; Ferdinand Topper's Belgian army ID booklet, two pre-war documents issued by the Belgian army regarding the new address of Ferdinand Topper, Ferdinand Topper's call for civil duty in March 1940 and a post-war declaration of the death of Ferdinand Topper.
De geïnterviewde groeide op in Achterom, vlakbij Hoogeveen. Hij bracht als bakkersknecht broden naar werkkamp Kremboong. Hij sprak in de kantine van het kamp geregeld met Joden en regelde brood voor hen. Hij is getuige geweest van de mishandeling van een jood. Hij herinnert zich verder een gesprek met een Duitse soldaat over de Joden. Om aan de arbeidsinzet in Duitsland te ontkomen liet hij zich met ...
Contact Kazerne Dossin Documentation Centre:
Focusing on the role of the human body, anthropologist Linke examines the ways Nazism and its legacy has defined German identity since 1945. Issues include public nudism, the revival of the cult of the body and the feminisation of guest labourers. Includes bibliographical references (pages 237-265) and index. xiii, 274 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
58 copies from fond R-170. 1. 1-5; 3 microfilms from ERA. R-364. 1. 201, 202, 203.
Vijzelstraat 32 1017 HL Amsterdam