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Stars and Stripes, G.I. Morale Booster No. 1.

Stars and Stripes, G.I. Morale Booster No. 1. The managing editor of the London edition, Sergeant Pete Lisagor (left), formerly of the Chicago Daily News, comfers with Coast Guardsman Bill McElvain of Decatur, Illinois, on a story describing the work o f the Navy in the ETO for a proposed special edition. While "Stars and Stripes"found most its readers in foxholes and in fighter plpanes and bombers, it also serves the neb in blue on deck and ashore. Like Coast Guardsman McElvain, public relations officers of various naval bases visit the "Stars and Stripes" office and supply whatever information the editors require. They also tip the editors on approaching new breaks. For instance, a phone call from a Troop Carrier PRO in the Winter of 1944 brought a reporter to ocover the dropping of supplies to the besieged U.S. forces at Bastogne.

  • NIOD
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
  • 11797
  • Amerikaanse strijdkrachten
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