Stars and Stripes, G.I. Morale Booster No. 1.
Stars and Stripes, G.I. Morale Booster No. 1. Sergeant George Maskin, formerly with The Detroit (Michigan) Times, edits cables from New York supplying "home news"from the states for the column Äround the 48 Yesterday". News for this feature is briefed from press agency output and material received from America. Starved for local news of their home towns, GI's always scan through this column. They find many startling items. For instance, Sergeant Bevis Bennett, who came from Gulfport, Missouri, to the Eighth U.S. Air Force in the ETO, knew his sister Willie had a steady boy friend and was engaged. That much he had learned from his folks back home by V-mail. But "Stars and Stripes"scooped the V-mail by breaking the story of the marriage. A six-line item that Willie had been married in Boise, Idaho, by the new Governor of the State, caused the Sergeant to spill his morning coffee all over his lap.
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